List of Free WooCommerce Plugins of 2022
WordPress created a free plugin WooCommerce to help you create an e-commerce-based solution. Although WooCommerce has a lot of attention, it is not the only technology that is changing the IT industry. WooCommerce can also be integrated seamlessly with WordPress.
With over 3 million active installations today, WooCommerce is a favorite of online store owners, WooCommerce Development Agency, and their developers.
Check out the top-rated free and paid plugins.
● WooCommerce MyAccount Widget
WooCommerce My Account Widget integrates with WooCommerce to allow shop managers to view user profiles as widgets.
You can also view links to their account page, shopping cart, checkout, or other URLs. This includes the exact number of items in your shopping cart, unpaid or incomplete orders, and their total.
● WooCommerce Checkout Manager
WooCommerce Checkout manager is used to modify and control fields such as re-order/hide, extend, and hide on the Checkout page. This can be done within billing and shipping. You can also make checkouts optional.
To provide advanced features, the plugin can be used in conjunction with WooCommerce Print Invoice, WooCommerce Delivery Note, Store Exporter Deluxe, and WooCommerce Order/Customer SSV Export.
This plugin has a date and time picker, payment method options, billing address visibility disable/able, shipping methods, order times, and many other features. You can also add your CSS.
● WooCommerce Multilingual
WooCommerce must be compatible with multiple languages to provide cross-border e-commerce. Integration of the WooCommerce Multilingual plugin with WPML (paid plug-in) makes this possible. It allows for easy translation from the product attributes to checkout. You can even track inventory in the opted language.
This plugin can be used with WooCommerce Tab Manager, WooCommerce Table rate Shipping, WooCommerce Bookings, and WooCommerce Subscriptions.
● WooCommerce Product Slider
The WooCommerce Product Slider plugin can be used to showcase products in a simple sliding fashion. It is very popular because it has many features such as navigation arrows, pagination, Widget support, multisite support, SEO friendly, and Color pickers. It is responsive and mobile-friendly.
● WooCommerce Product FAQs
The WooCommerce Product FAQs plugin can be used to increase sales and engage customers with product information. Users can also ask questions about the product and the seller will answer them.
The notification feature allows the user to be notified when the question has been answered. Sometimes, the product seller will add a few questions to give more details about the product to the viewers.
● WooCommerce PDF and Print
WooCommerce PDF and Print makes it possible to print and save billing details, or information about products. This plugin allows you to save details in PDF or Word Document formats. It can also print template settings.
The plugin integration makes it possible to display PDF, DOC, and Print buttons on the Product Page. Buttons can be made in a variety of styles.
● Stripe for WooCommerce
Stripe allows credit card payments to be made without saving credit card information. Simply add the SSL plugin to Stripe and your customer’s credit card information will be sent directly to Stripe’s servers. This ensures that all information is protected. There is no need to create a separate server for sensitive payment information.
WooCommerce also has many plugins that can be used to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and speed of its e-commerce solution.